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  • Writer's pictureSarah Jane Justice

A Double Announcement of Upcoming Works

Soon enough, I hope to have a completed manuscript for my first full length novel. Still, these things take time, and I find it necessary to remind myself that there’s no real rush. Right now, I am working on developing my craft, experimenting with styles, and getting my work out there in the public eye. Between poetry and short stories, I’ve been thrilled by how much I’ve been able to get published. I’ll be linking more works in my portfolio section as I go, but in the meantime, I’m going to be talking about some of these pieces in this blog.

I had my poem, ‘Capture’, published in Vol. 17 of Pure Slush, ‘The Beautifullest’, a collection of poetry and prose exploring the concept of beauty. When the submission call went out for Vol. 18, ‘The Tyranny of Bacon’, I had a huge amount of fun putting together a short prose piece, titled, ‘Rebellion’. I was thoroughly pleased when it was accepted for the collection, which should be available for purchase very soon!

In related news, I recently discovered Truth Serum, a sister press of Pure Slush. Truth Serum Vol. 5 is ‘Verdant’, an anthology of poetry inspired by the colour green. My poem, ‘Grass’, will be included in the collection, and I’m looking forward to getting my hands on a copy. This one will also be out very soon, so be sure to check back for future updates!


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