Sarah Jane Justice
Writer / Poet / Singer-Songwriter
A writer with experience in a vast number of fields. Sarah Jane Justice is an award-winning spoken word artist, a published prose author and poet, and an accomplished musician and songwriter. With endless motivation and enthusiasm for all areas of her work, she is always working towards her next major project.

Here's what people are saying about Sarah's work...

Featured Releases
New short stories and works of poetry are being released all the time. Check Sarah's CV for a full list, and click the links to read or purchase.
'The Fall'
Issue #14 - Wild
Firewords Literary Magazine
A poem about letting go, brought to life with visual flair.
The Other Stories
Hawk & Cleaver
Episode 63.1 of horror podcast 'The Other Stories'.
Deadset Press
In 'Claws', a teacher on remote placement gets caught up in a war that changes Australia. A short story featured as part of this collection of works from Australian and NZ speculative authors.
Winner, Northern Fringes Poetry Slam, 2020 // Winner, Salisbury Fringe Poetry Slam, 2019 // SA State Champion, Australian Poetry Slam, 2018 // Winner, Goolwa Poetry Cup, 2017 // People’s Choice, Goolwa Poetry Cup, 2016

In The Media
A selection of interviews and feature articles covering Sarah and her work.
Vision Australia Radio: Emerging Writers Interview (Part 2), 30/3/2024
Vision Australia Radio: Emerging Writers Interview (Part 1), 23/3/2024
Slam into 2024 with Poetry, CityMag, 11/1/2024
Artists Unearthed Interview, 2/1/2024
Hear me Roar!: Live recording of the Slam Poetry Showcase at Adelaide Writers' Week 2022, 6/5/2022
Word Travels Blog: A write-up about running the SA leg of the 2021 Australian Poetry Slam, 27/9/2021
Murder and Machinery: An Interview with Sarah Jane Justice, via Black Beacon Books, 10/4/2021
Hear me Roar!: Live recording of the Slam Poetry Showcase at Adelaide Writers' Week 2021, 23/3/2021
Women In Horror Month Spotlight: Interview with Eerie River Publishing, 8/2/2021
Sarah Jane Justice, a diamond in the rough: Feature article in The Serenade Files, 13/10/2020
Eerie River Featured Author: Interview to promote 'It Calls From The Sky', 23/9/2020
Adelaide Show Podcast, Episode 308: Interview discussing poetry and writing, 7/6/2020
SA Slam Winners Are Off To Sydney!, Spoken Word SA, 2018
Sarah Jane Justice: Poet-in-Residence in Action, Spoken Word SA, 2017
Adelaide Fringe Festival Focus: Sigh Fi, The Music, 9/2/2016
'Infatuation (And Other Bad Habits)', Reviewed by Beat Magazine, 2016

Poetry Videos
A few highlights in the realm of video poetry. For additional works, including live spoken word performances, head over to Sarah's YouTube channel.

As a musician, Sarah Jane Justice is classically trained in voice, piano and saxophone.
Early on in her creative career, she explored the world of musical theatre, taking part in a number of productions through-out her teenage years. At the age of eighteen, she discovered a new kind of audience, after being recruited to play tenor saxophone for established ska band Rubix Cuba. Sarah performed with Rubix Cuba for two years, playing support for bands like The Specials, and touring extensively around Australia and New Zealand. Eventually, she sat down at the piano and began to find her own voice as a singer-songwriter.
Under the name ‘The Lonely Kids’, Sarah slowly developed her sound, tending towards poetic lyrics that told distinctive stories. Bouncing between open mics, variety nights, and her own gigs, she wrote and performed three studio recordings, ‘The Lonely Kids’, ‘Infatuation (And Other Bad Habits’, and ‘The Trouble With Waking Up’. In 2016, she took the sound of The Lonely Kids a step further by writing and performing ‘Sigh-Fi’, a science fiction cabaret show that featured in the Adelaide Fringe Festival that year.
In between a plethora of other projects, she still finds the time to work on new musical endeavours whenever possible.

There’s always a story to tell…
'Cracks in our Shadows' is an immersive storytelling experience, told through the photography of Phillip Walker, and the poetry of Sarah Jane Justice. Click through for more information.